
DRC Sizzles at the Rowing NSW Small Boats Regatta

Published Tue 01 Feb 2022

RNSW Small Boats Regatta held at the Sydney International Regatta Centre (SIRC) on Saturday 29th Jan became the first on water regatta of 2022 and was run in sizzling heat with some high humidity in the mix making racing hard.

Training in the hot and humid conditions over the January period really paid off as a great preparation for the RNSW Small Boats regatta on Saturday, where DRC boated our biggest contingent yet across Junior, Para and Masters rowers.


It was a long day that started ay 7:45AM with our Para rower of Stephanie Walker contesting the 2000m Para single, placing 4th in a strong field. Following a few races later was Julia Story in the 1000m Para single in her first race back from injury blitzing the field to win the event.


Mitch Blackmore-Cram and Eve Timms competed hard in the Under 23 Mens single and Womens Under 23 Lightweight single scull, with Mitch going through to the A-Final and Eve a strong third in a field of scullers looking for NSW and National selection.


As the conditions really got humid it was time for the Para Double sculls, and after some quick scrambling for boats that had riggers, Julia Story followed Kathleen Hextell to come second, followed in fourth position by Stephanie Walker backed by Janine Donovan.


Just in case there was any doubt it was getting hot; it was time for our Masters rowers to take to the water and show the younger ones how to race over the shorter yet more intense distance of 1000m. With time handicaps for age adjustment of anywhere between 5 to 90seconds, the art of racing is truly seen in Masters racing.


Of note was the effort Rob Glendenning and Richard Jones as G (65 – 69 years) making up all but 0.85 sec of the 38 secs time handicap to Graham Wearne and John James (NSRC) J (80-84 years).


It was an impressive start to 2022 and we welcomed our newest Masters rowers of Colleen Chapman, Skye Smith, Rowena Stewart, Marcela Cox, Jodie Panagopoulos and Richard Jones who have brought with them significant racing experience in prior crew combinations, now combining with existing club members.


Overall DRC raced in every boat class of singles, doubles and pairs from the first race at 7:45AM to the last race at 4:46PM. A long day with a nap required along the way.
